This gallery contains 38 photos.
We slept at Honey Bear Campground and it was chili but nothing compare to the night of Day 6 to Day 7. We had planned to go to Grandfather Mountain but we have no time. Today we need to make it to … Continue reading
This gallery contains 38 photos.
We slept at Honey Bear Campground and it was chili but nothing compare to the night of Day 6 to Day 7. We had planned to go to Grandfather Mountain but we have no time. Today we need to make it to … Continue reading
This gallery contains 28 photos.
Last night it was really cold, the temperature was 3 degrees but it felt like 0. Believe it or not even though it was so cold we were able to sleep through the night. Mehrdad in general has higher resistance … Continue reading
This gallery contains 20 photos.
Today, May 24 is day 6 of our trip. I am writing from Fancy Gap KOA Campgrounds and it is really fancy, we get our personal water supply, electric post and even free wi-fi. It is freaking freezing, I think … Continue reading
This gallery contains 15 photos.
After yesterday’s storm we were expecting the bike to be soaked and also we were wondering what are we going to do about the outside of the tent, however to our surprise everything was dried (thank you wind). We packed … Continue reading
This gallery contains 15 photos.
Parisa came over, we had breakfast at khale Sorur. We packed the bike and headed towards Front Royal but first we did a quick stop at “Morty’s Auto Care” garage, chit chatted for a bit and then we took off. … Continue reading
This gallery contains 4 photos.
Day 1, the last 24 hours was crazy busy. I had Lady’s ride in Orangeville, Mehrdad had to work almost the entire Saturday. At the last minute we decided to buy Navigon iphone app and use it as a GPS … Continue reading