This gallery contains 8 photos.
Even though we did not ride yesterday, still we slept too much by the time we left campsite it was noon. First I had to find a screw or bolt to put the chain guard back on the bike as … Continue reading
This gallery contains 8 photos.
Even though we did not ride yesterday, still we slept too much by the time we left campsite it was noon. First I had to find a screw or bolt to put the chain guard back on the bike as … Continue reading
This gallery contains 16 photos.
This morning our neighbor trailer packed and left quietly to not wake us up. Unlike last night that that the campsite was full and we hardly found a spot. This morning it was a very quite campsite with only us … Continue reading
This gallery contains 32 photos.
In the morning we go back to the visitor centre in the town. Here also the visitor centre is a museum as well. Filling up gas as there won’t be gas station on the road for the rest of the … Continue reading
This gallery contains 16 photos.
Packed and ready to leave the campsite at noon again! stop on the road for photo and resting. We have the choice of going to Whitehorse and continue in Alaska highway or take another less traveled road that will bypass … Continue reading
This gallery contains 11 photos.
Left Tombstone campground late again and got to the beginning of Dempster highway by 2pm, 9 days after we started from the same place. It was another nice road At a gas station/store on the road this dog just came … Continue reading
This gallery contains 14 photos.
We got up late and waited to dry out the tent. Stopped at the office, had a free coffee and chatted with another local that was in the office. It was also make like a museum with few items from … Continue reading
This gallery contains 14 photos.
By the time we had breakfast, packed and left campsite it was already past noon. But the road was still muddy in some parts which with my tires become very slippery. On the way north we heard in Fort McPherson … Continue reading
This gallery contains 12 photos.
We had a wet and cold night and morning and also tired, so we slept well to afternoon! With the rain it would take long time for the road to try, so we decided to stay here for the the … Continue reading
This gallery contains 34 photos.
Last night we saw two motorcyclist with street tires and plastic cases went to arctic ocean and back to Inuvik. This morning I went to talk to them to see how did they do it. It turned out the issue(excuse) … Continue reading
This gallery contains 13 photos.
Since we slept late last night we got up late too, and it is still cloudy. But we have a big day ahead, the last stretch of the road to arctic ocean. First, fill up the bike with very expensive … Continue reading